What they told about us
![[Translate to English:] Ing. arch. Pavol Adamec - Perfora.sk [Translate to English:] Ing. arch. Pavol Adamec - Perfora.sk](fileadmin/user_upload/Povedali_o_nas/PavolAdamec.png)
The wide range of products, long-term experience and ability to adapt to more demanding technical criteria were the decisive factors in the selection of the expanded metal supplier for the City Arena football project in Trnava. Working with Perfora on this project has convinced me that it is the right partner for large and demanding projects.
Ing. arch. Pavol Adamec
Adamec & Adamec
author of the City Arena project in Trnava
![[Translate to English:] Ing. Pavol Baran - perfora.sk [Translate to English:] Ing. Pavol Baran - perfora.sk](fileadmin/user_upload/Povedali_o_nas/PavolBaran_02.png)
Many orders are required to be delivered to our customers urgently, which is why I appreciate PERFORA's wide range of products and the possibility of immediate collection of the necessary material directly from the warehouse. PERFORA's operative and advisory services help us to increase our competitiveness in the market.
Ing. Pavol Baran
Head of the PABACO locksmith company for almost 20 years.
The company has many loyal customers in Western Slovakia.
![[Translate to English:] Ing. Ľubomír Krajčír - perfora.sk [Translate to English:] Ing. Ľubomír Krajčír - perfora.sk](fileadmin/user_upload/Povedali_o_nas/LubomirKrajcir.png)
We have been collaborating with Perfora for a long time. We have implemented several smaller, but also complicated construction projects where we have used perforated materials. Our cooperation has always been trouble-free, on a highly professional level, focused on effective achievement of results and fulfilment of the given task.
Ing. Ľubomír Krajčír
Deputy Commercial Director for steel constructions
INGSTEEL spol. s r.o.

So spoločnosťou PERFORA s.r.o. spolupracujeme už niekoľko rokov. Doteraz sme mali iba pozitívnu skúsenosť. Zamestnanci spoločnosti mali vždy profesionálne jednanie, vedeli nám poradiť pri výbere produktov, široký výber , tovar doručený v dohodnutej lehote.
Ján Pančík
K - SUPRA, s.r.o.

Firmu Perfora považujem za výborne zásobeného dodávateľa ťahokovov, dierovaných plechov a tiež roštov. Široký skladový sortiment mi umožňuje promtne reagovať na vybavovanie zákaziek. Tiež by som rád vyzdvihol ich prispôsobenie sa požiadavkám trhu, nakoľko ponúkajú aj nové možnosti, či už sú to 2D alebo 3D plechy. Samozrejmosťou je ochota a ústretovosť personálu.
EL-MONT,spol.s r.o.