Architecture reflects the quality of life. That is why we try to implement the ideas of developers and designers exactly according to their ideas. Our products are used mainly in the design of facades, various specific elements in exteriors, but also interiors. Sometimes it is important to find a golden middle ground in solutions, but we always try to agree on a compromise with which all parties involved are, after all, satisfied.
This was also the case of our participation in the renewal of the cycle bridge between the Bratislava district of Devínska Nová Ves and the Austrian municipality of Schlosshof. The bridge is built on the site where its predecessor was built during the time of Maria Theresa.
In case of the CYCLE BRIDGE OF FREEDOM, it was an internationally long-awaited construction, which was under great scrutiny of the entire public and finally won the most prestigious Slovak architectural award CE. ZA. AR. The requirements for its construction were really demanding.
The technological solution of the bridge - the subtle steel structure with a large span above the river - was a challenge for everyone.
From the total length of the cycle bridge, 955 meters, the steel bridge structure is as long as 525 meters. Therefore, it was crucial to choose an absolutely reliable and visually interesting material for the railing panels. Our team of experts recommended the architects to use expanded metal with a diamond mesh MR 90 x 31.5 x 4 x 3mm. The added value of such a railing panel is its compactness, strength, airiness and thus also its safety and modern design.
In this case, the colour scheme also played a crucial role, as the bridge was built in a protected area.
However, the modest colour scheme of the combination of neutral white, grey and deep green, which the Austrian conservationists insisted on, fit perfectly into the colour of the country. On the other hand, it is strong enough to attract attention. As they say, they really managed to hit the bull’s eye here.
Also thanks to us, demanding conditions were met and we managed to create a modern, functional, innovative, and effective architectural solution for this construction.
Today, the CYCLE BRIDGE OF FREEDOM is a place that connects not only the shores of two countries, but also people. We are pleased to be able to participate in projects in which the implementers emphasize the conceptual side and take into account the sustainability of the architecture. Last, but not least, the social aspect is also of great importance to them.