Perforated sheets
Square holes
With their versatility, perforated sheets with square holes rank among the most frequently used types in several branches of industry and architecture. They are visually appealing even when cutting the sheets with row punching because the non-perforated margin is retained.
The perforated sheets are manufactured according to DIN24041
The use
- Engineering industry
- Construction industry
- Automotive industry
- Food industry
- Electro-technical industry
- Agriculture
- Chemical industry
Standard dimensions
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Thickness of material
The material thickness which we use is from 0.5 mm to 12 mm
Do you need a different material thickness?
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Open area - permeability
The open area depends on the type of a perforated sheet. It can range up to 70%.
Detailed information on the open area and also on the axial
pitch of the holes can be found in the product summary table
View the summary table
Technical conditions of deliveries
Commonly manufactured items are intended for technical use. Technical conditions of deliveries are based on the experience we have with the delivery of perforated materials. Please read them to help you understand some of the important details when selecting and using a particular material.
Types of square holes
Square holes in straight rows - designation: Qg

Square holes staggered - designation: Qv

t = axial pitch
Tailor-made production
Your specific requirements are not an obstacle. After mutual
consultation we can satisfy you in the production of
tailor-made materials according to your requirements.
Do you have specific material requirements?
Contact us
Fixing of perforated sheets can be solved by using frame profiles, which can also be found in our offer.